Cerasela Cristei, P.E., receives President’s Award from Washington, DC Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS-DC)

On November 6, 2018, T3 Senior Engineer, Cerasela M. Cristei, P.E.; was presented with the President’s Award for her service to the Washington, DC Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS-DC) over the past year.

Outside of our office, Cerasela has devoted much time and energy to advancing women in our industry, and one way she does that is through a long-standing commitment to WTS-DC.

In recognition of her exceptional effort, Cerasela was honored with the 2018 President's Award in recognition of, and here is the quote: "your tireless commitment to the Chapter, your investment of time in the Chapter’s activities to help raise funds for scholarships, and your service as chair of the Professional Development Committee." (The President’s Award letter is presented as below.)

Only one person is chosen for this award each year, and this year that person is our very own Cerasela.

The award was presented publicly at the WTS Holiday Party dinner on December 4, 2018.

Congratulations, Cerasela! Thank you for all you do, both at T3 and within our industry.

Cerasela Cristei_WTS President's Award.jpg